Homecoming Mums are a curiosity here in Yerington, but in Texas they are a long time tradition. I asked my florist friend Tammie Thomas of Boyd Texas, to give us the inside scoop!
"Homecoming mums are a BIG deal here in TEXAS! Actually a REALLY big deal - In most cases, the BIGGER the better!
The more Blinkity Blink, Blink you can get on the thing - the higher your status goes... (as far as Texas Royalty is concerned)"

"But wait.. there's more.. in the 1960s, A wonderful and innovative florist in Cow Town Texas - (AKA Fort Worth) decided her daughter would have the most school spirit and the BIGGEST homecoming MUM - hence the homecoming mums began being made from silk flowers with additional items added to signify what activities the students were involved in."
"The Homecoming mums have not only evolved into a HUGE tradition in Texas, the mums themselves have also become HUGE - Some cost over $400 (yes I said $400.00) AND why not? These magnificent floral and ribbon sculptures become fine works of art that will adorn any girls wall in their room!"
Tammie Thomas
A quick search of 'homecoming mums' turned up 2 other interesting blog posts..
A North-westerner's reaction to the homecoming mum tradition-in Life in the
Lone Star State

And The Human Flower Project (a great blog about all things 'flower'
around the world)
writes about students at Permian High School in Odessa, TX. This school was the subject of the best seller 'Friday Night Lights'.

A quick search of 'homecoming mums' turned up 2 other interesting blog posts..
A North-westerner's reaction to the homecoming mum tradition-in Life in the
Lone Star State

And The Human Flower Project (a great blog about all things 'flower'
around the world)
writes about students at Permian High School in Odessa, TX. This school was the subject of the best seller 'Friday Night Lights'.

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