Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lazy Days

As a child I never really understood the phrase “The dog days of summer”. As an adult, I’ve never really thought about it, until now.

Upon embarking on the adventure of working at a flower shop, Tracey informed me that summer time was the slowest season for a florist. I see what she means!

However, when I stopped to really think about it the other day, I realized that the same was true for me when I owned my own food business. Summer was our “slow” time.
The other day I brought this topic of conversation up at the dinner table and my youngest daughter was baffled. “Why is it that way, Mom?” was her question to me. My husband’s reasoning was that a lot of people are vacationing and that because we live in a small town, we notice it more. Living in a small town may have something to do with it, but I don’t think that is the whole reason.

After giving the situation considerable thought, I realized that part of it is that we’re “conditioned” to think about flowers and seasons in a certain way. We have traditions which affect the way we see things. We automatically think about flowers around the holidays, birthdays, weddings and sometime anniversaries. And usually, we think about them in the context of gift-giving. However, most of us rarely think about them for ourselves. How many people do you know who order flowers for themselves; for the sheer pleasure of it?

Working at Twigs has been a blessing to me in many ways. One specific blessing has been that I sometimes get to take “left-over” flowers home for my enjoyment. I am thankful for that blessing because I have realized that the flowers bring not only beauty, but joy to my home.

If you’re in need of a little “pick-me-up”, I suggest taking a trip to your local florist for a few fresh flowers. Most florists are happy to sell individual stems and would be glad to see you!

And as an added note, florist flowers last longer than garden flowers. I don’t know why, but it’s true! I had some Calla Lilies that lasted TWO weeks in a vase!

Hope to see you soon!

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